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ILK Dresden investigates and develops very efficient simulation tools for predicting the behavior of fluid flow and heat transfer with buoyancy effects. The results of this effort are tailored solutions for various applications for the international market.
July 2018
We made a round flight to get a better understanding of the territory, to develop a 3D-model of it.
July 2018
Pötzsch and Sirch are specialized in electrical installation of power stations. We filmed 4 power stations of them or the new online presence.
June 2018
Visualisation with XLED by Carl Stahl in
Doha, Mall-Project.
Productfilm for implementation XLED and XTEND in architecture from Carl Stahl.
March 2018
We developed some Visualisations with animamtion films for a ferris wheel with X-LED from Carl Stahl.
We produced 17 short cuts in 4K for it.
Februar 2018
Shortfilm. bsi Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH was planning, a steel composite box girder was planned over two areas with a total length of 69 metres. Within six hours, the 600 - tonne superstructure was able to negotiate the 35 metres to its final position.
February 2018
Shortfilm. bsi Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH opted for an overhead steel structure in the form of a steel-truss bridge with a span of 31m.
February 2018
Shortfilm. The bsi planning of the replacement railwaybridge included the stipulation to only interrupt the current railway operations for a maximum of three weeks. A fluid transport system was used for the shifting the 2,200 - tonne frame.
February 2018
Dolmen Mall, Karachi, 3D animation film, presentation to make a decision about 5 Million Dollar for two media walls. Duration 2m 10s
November 2017
Five 3D animation films under the aspect of different sensor technologies in cars. Client: FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH. Duration 4m 08s
November 2017
Visit to alfalite in Spain in October, Documentation films about possibilities with LED panels MICROPIX for advertising and montage.
Duration 1m 44s
November 2017
Film recordings lifting a new railway bridge in Kürbitz and Plauen, Germany. Client: bsi Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Use 6 cameras for documentation.
September/October 2017
„Tricky Traffic“ is the pilot episode for animation film series about dangerous situations in traffic.
Aerial views film recordings of structural engineering from bsi.
September/October 2017
First study intro animation for a new software Sii.
September 2017
For more than 25 years, we have been supporting publishers worldwide with innovative software solutions, helping them increase revenues.
August/September 2017
The old ARDENNE sputter film was produced to the new format 1080p.
Study for autonomous driving functions with crash prevention.
4 shortfilms to ccoperativ automated driving.
Film 2016 to the future of driving licence discussione.
Film 2016 to the new method to prove wheel suspension in cars.
Film 2016 to the new method to prove brakes dynamik in
cars on test stand with plates.
Film production to brake examination with HU-21 from fsd.
Shortcut from the film „secret language of fans“.
That VICOM-Editor was developed by order of arge tp21 from WFP Audio-Video-Production together with INOAGE, 2007-2010. For that App Wfp Audio-Video-Production produced the first film 2009 and a sconde version 2015.
Diese Animationen entstanden im Auftrag zur fsd zum Thema Zustandsprüfung von Fahrzeugen.
11 short films to discussion HUA from fsd.
Film to build transformer substations with WT-Energiesysteme.
Film to the 10 anniversary to UNESCO World Heritage of Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm, also known as the „English Grounds of Wörlitz“ Production of UBIK publisher Rajnhard Pietrek.
Studie zu einem neuen Teaser für Media LUNA und Produktfilm zu MADRIX LUNA
Film to periodical inspection vehicles.
Film production to data examination with DDS21 from fsd.
Film to periodical inspection busses.
The Duddels now in 32 countries “The Duddels“ is an animation film series for children. In several episodes with a length of 4-5 minutes five little figures expierence exciting and funny adventures. With these animations
childrens are encouraged to put their ideas with simple
things such as dominos in practice. The episodes use a pseudo language, so that the stories could be viewed by people all over the world.
Production exhibition film to ARDENNE.
Image film for PSK.
Filmproduktion to Lamellenventil 6114 and Flipperventil 6603/6604
13 films to systems from Bürkert.
Image film for company Bürkert.